Stupid Girls

Monday, July 12, 2004

Bettina & Kate

You are reading

I won't be able to write this blog much longer without telling my stories of Bettina & Kate.

In the mean time, you'll have to settle for this:

Dear Bettina,

I've torn up the 'net, looking for you and Kate. I finally broke down and asked PR at UCSC.

I hope this email finds you and yours well and satisfied.

I'm sending you my Viri Diana blog, in case you and Kate (and anybody else who might be interested) would like to see some of what I've been doing.

My domain is where you'll find my other writings, radio broadcasts, blogs, recipes and silly stuff.

I remember my time in Pacific Grove fondly. I'm beginning to open my home to young people in a fashion similar to Kate's salons.

My entire life has undergone a radical paradigm shift this year, and I'm more whole and healthy than at any other time in my life.

It doesn't hurt that I'm falling in love with a most intriguing and brilliant woman, either. Sigh! :)

I suspect you're on vacation and won't see this 'til early fall, but thought I'd throw it into your "in box," with the rest of the chatter, while I was thinking about it.

I hope Kate might be willing to visit me online, as well. But I know she expressed absolutely no interest in the 'net, last time we communicated.

I love the medium, and have grown enormously, as a result.

Thank you for your energy, work and influence.

Rogi Riverstone