Stupid Girls

Saturday, April 24, 2010

MOVIE: "Frozen River"

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Under the same circumstances, I'd do it, too.

More, not less, non formula scripts. More stories of ordinary women doing extraordinary things.

I'm living in a single wide with broken windows, holes in the floor, missing skirting, no propane, no running water and no sewage. The landlord gets $150/month. He won't fix it and I can't move.

Spent all winter with no heat. Made a composting toilet. Patched the windows with pieces of broken glass, glued with clear silicone.

I'd do it in a fast minute.

But I have no car and live five miles from town.

I hitch hike.

But I have no kids. I would't do it just for me.

More movies about single mothers.

More movies about poverty, REAL poverty.

More movies about justice.

More movies about refusing to be a victim.