~ We are women of the world, come from poverty, illiteracy, circumcision, shame ~ We are telling our stories and sharing our lives ~ So that never again can the truth be denied ~ We've untied our tongues and we're speaking out loud ~ We've unbound our feet and we're marching toward freedom ~ We are teaching each other and claiming our power ~ Together, we're building a better tomorrow ~ Sweet Honey In The Rock
Stupid Girls
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
Saturday, December 01, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
Queer: Feminism's "Little Sister"
You are reading http://viridianariverstone.blogspot.com/.
I coincidentally saw that Queer-bashing vid by that MRA. He uses inflammatory language, speaks in generalities, uses provocative language & baiting (eg: "Marxist). There's a huge movement in USA to discredit: science, women's autonomy, variation from binary hetero. I ask myself: who's promoting those ideas? Whom does it serve in a culture that requires soldiers, prisoners & "service" workers to keep corporations in the black? We are products. And he plays directly into that notion.
Then, argue against transhumanism, against prosthetics, against BlueTooth, against virtual reality gaming, against that new bracelet internet device. We can NOT use our primitive history 2 argue our future. Gender, sex & sexual orientation are changing. It's irrevocable. Our species doesn't require a binary anymore for compulsory breeding. In fact, to insist on one is deleterious 2 the evolution of the species.
I coincidentally saw that Queer-bashing vid by that MRA. He uses inflammatory language, speaks in generalities, uses provocative language & baiting (eg: "Marxist). There's a huge movement in USA to discredit: science, women's autonomy, variation from binary hetero. I ask myself: who's promoting those ideas? Whom does it serve in a culture that requires soldiers, prisoners & "service" workers to keep corporations in the black? We are products. And he plays directly into that notion.
Then, argue against transhumanism, against prosthetics, against BlueTooth, against virtual reality gaming, against that new bracelet internet device. We can NOT use our primitive history 2 argue our future. Gender, sex & sexual orientation are changing. It's irrevocable. Our species doesn't require a binary anymore for compulsory breeding. In fact, to insist on one is deleterious 2 the evolution of the species.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
Monday, November 05, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
Tuesday, October 09, 2012
Monday, October 01, 2012
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Mental health crisis terrorizes woman on train
You are reading http://viridianariverstone.blogspot.com/.
when we stigmatize mental health, people don't get better. And people in crisis can be terrifying -- whether they want to be, or not. Mean time, a woman is terrorized, simply for reading a book. http://unwinona.tumblr.com/post/30861660109/i-debated-whether-or-not-to-share-this-story
when we stigmatize mental health, people don't get better. And people in crisis can be terrifying -- whether they want to be, or not. Mean time, a woman is terrorized, simply for reading a book. http://unwinona.tumblr.com/post/30861660109/i-debated-whether-or-not-to-share-this-story
Sunday, September 02, 2012
Saturday, September 01, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Magic Vagina Death Venom
You are reading http://viridianariverstone.blogspot.com/.
Well, I guess it's all been choreographed rather well.
The GOP got some flaming gas bags from the Dark Ages to say outlandish, ridiculous laughable but extremely dangerous stuff about Queers and women. Oh, and poor folk. And people with disabilities and . . . hell, they want to legalize puppy mills and dog fighting. I'm not kidding.
Now, they're being laughed out of public discourse.
So, Obama will be re-elected.
And the Equal Rights Amendment has shaken off her thirty year coat of dust, is stretching the kinks out and has a very active FaceBook page, operated by NOW.
So, I guess they scared the crap out of us to get us all back in line for four more years.
I'm still voting for Jill Stein; a pox on both their houses. If I can get to vote. I'm considered a temporary resident, cuz I'm in this rv park.
In the mean time, here's some hysterical irony for you: Hurricane Ida is barreling down on Tampa, Fla, just in time for the GOP convention.
There's your "gods will".
And someone is selling Magic Vagina Death Venom on eBay.
Read the questions at the bottom. Hysterical. It's up to fifty dollars for the bottle, all donated
"Proceeds from the sales of Magic Vagina Death Venom bottles will help the A is For campaign continue it's work in educating the public about reproductive rights, and our financial support of our on-the-ground partner, The Center for Reproductive Rights. All donations made to A is For are tax deductible. A is For is a project of Project Noise, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Project Noise’s exempt status has been approved by the Internal Revenue Service, therefore your donation is fully tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Project Noise is incorporated in the State of California (EIN #27-0953250)."
The GOP got some flaming gas bags from the Dark Ages to say outlandish, ridiculous laughable but extremely dangerous stuff about Queers and women. Oh, and poor folk. And people with disabilities and . . . hell, they want to legalize puppy mills and dog fighting. I'm not kidding.
Now, they're being laughed out of public discourse.
So, Obama will be re-elected.
And the Equal Rights Amendment has shaken off her thirty year coat of dust, is stretching the kinks out and has a very active FaceBook page, operated by NOW.
So, I guess they scared the crap out of us to get us all back in line for four more years.
I'm still voting for Jill Stein; a pox on both their houses. If I can get to vote. I'm considered a temporary resident, cuz I'm in this rv park.
In the mean time, here's some hysterical irony for you: Hurricane Ida is barreling down on Tampa, Fla, just in time for the GOP convention.
There's your "gods will".
And someone is selling Magic Vagina Death Venom on eBay.
Read the questions at the bottom. Hysterical. It's up to fifty dollars for the bottle, all donated
"Proceeds from the sales of Magic Vagina Death Venom bottles will help the A is For campaign continue it's work in educating the public about reproductive rights, and our financial support of our on-the-ground partner, The Center for Reproductive Rights. All donations made to A is For are tax deductible. A is For is a project of Project Noise, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Project Noise’s exempt status has been approved by the Internal Revenue Service, therefore your donation is fully tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Project Noise is incorporated in the State of California (EIN #27-0953250)."
Monday, August 20, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
Friday, August 10, 2012
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
Tuesday, August 07, 2012
Wednesday, August 01, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Monday, July 09, 2012
Saturday, July 07, 2012
Thursday, July 05, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
USA: "Greatest" Nation?
You are reading http://viridianariverstone.blogspot.com/.
It's not true. We were never "the greatest" country; we were the most PRIVILEGED, with the greatest natural resources (stolen) per capita. His filter is that of a middle class, cis gendered, heterosexual, able bodied white man. He even says in the past that it was "men" who did the cool stuff. Anybody remember a little thing called "slavery?" What about the genocide of Native peoples? The religious wars and witch burnings? The monopolies and industrialists? How about Viet Nam, Korea, Granada, Iraq (twice), the Civil War, the Mexican American War? Anybody remember those? What about Queers and neuro-atypicals (like Stephen Hawking, for instance) locked up in "sanitariums?" What about the Tuskegee "experiments?" What about forced sterilization of Native women? What about blankets infested with small pox? What about the concentration camps for Japanese Americans? What about women, held as chattel property with no rights to their own: money, children, bodies, destinies, names, careers, educations? This is revisionist history. It's not true. We were NEVER the "greatest" nation, unless it's in terms of "might makes right," which is immoral, "Manifest Destiny," Christian hogwash. This speech is a tear jerking lie.
It's not true. We were never "the greatest" country; we were the most PRIVILEGED, with the greatest natural resources (stolen) per capita. His filter is that of a middle class, cis gendered, heterosexual, able bodied white man. He even says in the past that it was "men" who did the cool stuff. Anybody remember a little thing called "slavery?" What about the genocide of Native peoples? The religious wars and witch burnings? The monopolies and industrialists? How about Viet Nam, Korea, Granada, Iraq (twice), the Civil War, the Mexican American War? Anybody remember those? What about Queers and neuro-atypicals (like Stephen Hawking, for instance) locked up in "sanitariums?" What about the Tuskegee "experiments?" What about forced sterilization of Native women? What about blankets infested with small pox? What about the concentration camps for Japanese Americans? What about women, held as chattel property with no rights to their own: money, children, bodies, destinies, names, careers, educations? This is revisionist history. It's not true. We were NEVER the "greatest" nation, unless it's in terms of "might makes right," which is immoral, "Manifest Destiny," Christian hogwash. This speech is a tear jerking lie.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Science created women?
You are reading http://viridianariverstone.blogspot.com/.
I objected in comments to this post. Read the skepticism and critical thinking in the poster's comments to me. cripes.
me: . . . because I think it's MUCH more important that science "created" THIS woman.
http://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid=376190823899 6&set=a.2936016672223.2901 30.1015268215&type=1&theat er
me: ps: i hid the post b/c it's disrespectful of people who are not cis-gendered, heterosexual men, and to them, too.
me: Adendum: You have addressed me as "sir." Given the fact I have used the term, "cis-gendered," one might expect I do not hold to the binary. Therefore, proper protocol is to ASK a person's preferred pronouns and titles, rather than presume them. I can only deduce from this that you have no idea what "cis-gendered" means, nor what it implies about my position on binary, that you don't care, that you didn't bother to look it up and that you are so cis-sexist, you have no idea how homophobic, cis-sexist and Trans*phobic you have shown yourself to be. It's not my job to educate you; you have a search engine. Use it.
I'm using critical thinking and skepticism. We're supposed to do that. If I don't understand something, I look it up. That's what free thinkers, students and skeptics do. We don't swallow the Kool Aid. I have every right to be anywhere on the planet. Your cis-sexism is now telling me I don't have civil rights? That's reactionary. Just like a fundamentalist. It's cognative dissonance. I have every right to question people who claim to promote science, then behave like fundamentalists. This isn't a troll war. it's a discussion. Surely, you're capable of discussion, right? Surely, you have enough curiosity, skepticism and free thinking to LEARN? Right? Why are you taking this so personally? Because I dare challenge the Great and Powerful Wizard of Oz? And you can't see the totalitarianism, close mindedness and reactionary nature of your own behavior? http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Not_even_wrong
Unbelievable. I was verbally abused and told I should leave.
I objected in comments to this post. Read the skepticism and critical thinking in the poster's comments to me. cripes.
me: . . . because I think it's MUCH more important that science "created" THIS woman.
me: ps: i hid the post b/c it's disrespectful of people who are not cis-gendered, heterosexual men, and to them, too.
me: Adendum: You have addressed me as "sir." Given the fact I have used the term, "cis-gendered," one might expect I do not hold to the binary. Therefore, proper protocol is to ASK a person's preferred pronouns and titles, rather than presume them. I can only deduce from this that you have no idea what "cis-gendered" means, nor what it implies about my position on binary, that you don't care, that you didn't bother to look it up and that you are so cis-sexist, you have no idea how homophobic, cis-sexist and Trans*phobic you have shown yourself to be. It's not my job to educate you; you have a search engine. Use it.
I'm using critical thinking and skepticism. We're supposed to do that. If I don't understand something, I look it up. That's what free thinkers, students and skeptics do. We don't swallow the Kool Aid. I have every right to be anywhere on the planet. Your cis-sexism is now telling me I don't have civil rights? That's reactionary. Just like a fundamentalist. It's cognative dissonance. I have every right to question people who claim to promote science, then behave like fundamentalists. This isn't a troll war. it's a discussion. Surely, you're capable of discussion, right? Surely, you have enough curiosity, skepticism and free thinking to LEARN? Right? Why are you taking this so personally? Because I dare challenge the Great and Powerful Wizard of Oz? And you can't see the totalitarianism, close mindedness and reactionary nature of your own behavior? http://en.wikipedia.org/
Unbelievable. I was verbally abused and told I should leave.
This is exactly like racism:
is it the job of people of Color to educate non-Color people about their
privilege, their racism, their history? People of Color get placed in
that position, all the time, for survival, even and especially when they
have less resources, less time, more critical issues: educate the white
guy, so he won't hurt us. This is the same thing. EDUCATE YOURSELF and
get your boot off the necks of decent folk who are struggling just to
have a place at the table.
burned alive for "virtue"
You are reading http://viridianariverstone.blogspot.com/.
Global Secular Humanist Movement asked,
Global Secular Humanist Movement asked,
"WOW. girls get burned to be saved from hell?" to which I replied,
"Yeah, that ministry of virtue sounds like the misogamists in atheism:
if a woman tells them she's in flames, they accuse her of "playing the
victim card" and send her rape threats. Sexism is reactionary thinking.
We need to purge it from all ideologies, religious and atheist."
http://www.memritv.org/clip/ en/3272.htm
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Sita Sings the Blues
It's very seldom anymore that, when I get to the end of a movie, I wish it could last. What a gorgeous film! This is so rich, artful and thoughtful. The attention to detail is amazing. The interface of Annette Hanshaw's music is brilliant. Now, to all you Hindu fundies who hate it: u seem to hate ANY modern interpretations by women film makers; that's the pattern I'm seeing. Stop vandalizing theaters & burning down movie sets! Grow an imagination & stop hating in the name of religion! GROW UP!
You are reading http://viridianariverstone.blogspot.com/.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
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