Stupid Girls

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Dear House of "Representatives,"

First, let me say you don't represent me. Most of you are pure Caucasian. Most of you are men. Most of you are wealthy.

Most of you have never had a life-threatening pregnancy.

Now, you've passed legislation which states some late-term abortion procedures are "never" necessary to save the life of the mother.

Only one of you has a medical degree, and his neck is redder than a penis in a stew pot.

How would you know what is medically necessary?

How DARE you impose yourself on such an intimate, heartbreaking decision? This is between the mother, her physician and her family. It is NONE of your business!

You'll never have to endure the agony of submitting to killing your baby to spare your own life.

You'll never know the vicious guilt and self-blame the mother must endure, in addiion to grieving for her dead child.

You'll never know.

Yet you think you have some right to impose your smug arrogance on the reproductive organs of every woman in this country?

You are not divine. You're not even decent representatives of humanity.

You are caving in to a tiny minority of FUNDAMENTALISTS. Like the Taliban.

You have put my womb in a burkah. You are beating me for making a sound. You are stoning me to death for knowing I have civil rights.

SHAME on you!


Go to hell!